
Assisted Purchase Scheme

The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme enables UK students to purchase French horns without paying VAT, a saving of 20%. This is possible because Local Education Authority funded schools and music centres are allowed to reclaim the VAT paid on French horns. Students at independent schools may also be able to use the scheme, please ask the school's administration department.

How the Scheme Works

Having first checked with the school that they take part in the Scheme; the student decides which French horn they want to buy from Paxman. An Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme application form is then filled in. The school or music service may require the use of their own form. The student gives the completed form and payment (without VAT) to the school. The school then sends an order to Paxman for the French horn. The horn is delivered to the school along with an invoice including VAT made out to the school. The school can then reclaim the VAT part of the invoice. The student collects the horn from the school. At this point the ownership of the French horn passes to the student.


  • The student must be in full time education at a Local Education Authority School.
  • The student must be receiving tuition at the school as part of their curriculum or privately in support of curricular activities (such as GCSE music).
  • The French horn must be appropriate to the student's requirements.
  • The school must place the order for the horn. It then must be passed to the student at the school in a room normally used for teaching.
  • The horn must be charged to the student/parent at or below the cost to the school (excluding VAT).

The above information is only a guide. Any customer intending to use the Scheme is advised to check with their own school or music service for details. For example, some schools will have a minimum price for a French horn purchased through the scheme and others may add an administrative charge to the amount payable by the student.

French Horns Being Assembled
Paxman Musical Instruments Ltd
197 Long Lane
Paxman White Shield